

INFORMATION 2024(Core Record)

* ミサの中で七五三祝福式を行います。
* ミサ中の共同祈願は四者担当。
* 信者会館の清掃は中・港南地区担当。

* 日曜学校(1~3号室)  
* 厨房大掃除

November 10th (32nd Sunday)
Donations for Noto Earthquake relief and for repairs of the church facilities
*Blessing ceremony for Shichi-go-san (children of three, five and seven years of age) during Mass
*Yonsha in charge of prayers for General Intercessions
*Naka&Konan-chiku in charge of Rectory cleaning
<After 9:30 Mass>
*Sunday school (Rooms 1, 2 and 3)
*Rectory kitchen cleanup
Coffee service at Communitas Hall

<18:00 Mass in English>

* ミサ中の共同祈願は北地区担当。
* 信者会館の清掃は東地区担当。
* 布池だより11月号発行。

* 日曜学校(1~3号室)   
* 東、千種地区(4・5号室)
* 中・港南、西・尾西地区(小聖堂) 
* 北、東春地区(和室) 
* 名東、天白地区(コムニタスホール)

* 布池教会八事合葬墓追悼ミサ(八事霊園内14:00~小雨決行)

合 同 追 悼 式

November 3rd (31st Sunday) 
Donations for Ichiryu-kai and for the reserve fund for repairs of church facilities
*Kita-chiku in charge of prayers for General Intercessions
*Higashi-chiku in charge of Rectory cleaning
*November issue of the Nunoike Catholic Church News

<After 9:30 Mass>
*Sunday school (Rooms 1, 2 and 3)
Chiku-kai meetings:
*Higashi-chiku and Chikusa-chiku (Rooms 4 & 5)
*Naka&Konan-chiku and Nishi&Busai-chiku
(St. Mary Chapel)
*Kita-chiku and Toshun-chiku (Japanese Room)
*Meito-chiku & Tempaku-chiku (Communitas Hall)
Coffee service at Communitas Hall

<18:00 Mass in Tagalog>

*Nunoike shared grave memorial service in Yagoto Reien (14:00~ Canceled only in case of heavy rain)

On November 3rd (Sunday), Joint Memorial Mass for the Dead of Nunoike Parishioners is held in the 9:30 Mass and the 18:00 Mass at the Cathedral. Please enter the deceased’s name you want to pray for in the list at the entrance of the Cathedral or on the round table of the Rectory. If you want to bring the picture of the deceased, please insert the picture into the photo frame with a prop and stand it on the display desk in front of the chancel. Please refrain from offering flowers.

* ミサの時間 ☞ 7:00、18:30(小聖堂)

November 1st (First Friday)
*Masses at 7:00 and 18:30 (St. Mary Chapel)

* 9:30のミサの中で洗礼入門式を行います。
* ミサ中の共同祈願は西・尾西地区担当。
* 信者会館の清掃は天白地区担当。

* 信者会館1Fホールと小聖堂、聖堂・地下ロビー・内階段掃除
* 日曜学校(1~3号室)  
* 四者交流会(コムニタスホール)

October 27th (30th Sunday) 
Donations for World Mission Day and for the reserve fund for repairs of church facilities
*9:30 mass with Initiation for Baptism
*Nishi & Bisai-chiku in charge of prayers for General Intercessions
*Tempaku-chiku in charge of Rectory cleaning

<After 9:30 Mass>
*Clean-up: Chapel, the basement lobby, the staircase
Rectory entrance hall and St. Mary Chapel
*Sunday school (Rooms 1, 2 and 3)
*Yonsha meeting
Coffee service at Communitas Hall

<18:00 Mass in English >

  • 対 象:年長~小学6年生
  • 開 校:4月~翌年3月、夏期・冬期・春期休みあり
  • 授 業:毎週日曜日9時半ミサ後~12時
  • 行 事:サマーキャンプ、クリスマス会などイベント多数
  • その他:保護者の集いあり
  • 問合せ:教会事務所までご連絡ください。

  • 聖堂内はどなたでも立ち入りできますが、聖堂は静かに祈る場所です。聖堂内での飲食・会話・撮影は禁止です。
  • ミサに参加を希望される方。カトリックのミサは、信者になられていない方も参加できます。ミサの始まる前に、聖堂入り口の受付にて「初めての訪問」とお伝えください。ミサ中の入堂はご遠慮ください。
  • キリスト教に興味のある方、洗礼をお考えの方は、教会事務所にお問い合わせください。